100 Days of Marvel: Road to Infinity War - Day 33: WHiH Newsfront (Web Series, e1-10)

Quick post tonight, probably the shortest one yet.

I had never seen these webisodes prior to today, and I have to be honest and say I think I know why people don't talk about them very much. The only reason I heard of them was because I was doing this series and I looked up a timeline.

For a Saturday blog post, I assumed eached episode was at least 5 minutes, but this is not the case. They are all really short, ranging from 1 to 3 minutes or so. In addition, they don't add much to the universe, shows or films.

We get some set up for Antman and later Avengers films, but nothing substantial. Christine Everhart does reprise her role as a reporter from the Ironman films, and she got a major promotion here, from common reporter to anchorwoman (the perks of sleeping with Tony Stark? Poor taste joke).

These are so boring to me, and they are so short that you don't have time to connect with the characters or the situations. For example, the Ant Man villain (who would have been a better Lex Luther, imo) had few laughs and added nothing to the Ant Man film.

But in all honesty, there a much better things to watch. You all can skip these and miss nothing.


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