Top 10 Anticipated Movies (2019)

Image from Eyum Ocheola-Oki HERE

Now that I have completed the final leg of the race to watch as many 2018 films as possible before crossing the annual year finish line , I am ready to look ahead at all of the wonderful movies coming out this year. There are some fantastic films that I am excited for, and given current industry trends most, if not all, of the films I am excited to see are either remakes, reboots, or continuations. If you read my post "50 Movies Worth Watching (2018)" you can probably predict the type of films that I would be excited to see this year: I am a simple man who likes what he likes.

Well, without further ado, adie ah doo, achoo (okay, be right back I need to look something up).


Nailed it the first time.


Well, without any further ado, let's take a potentially spoiler riddled ride into my top 10 Anticipated Movies for 2019. Cue YouTube intro music (wait, this is a page of words...damn, no catchy song. Just go tell your Amazon Echos to play the soundtrack from "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" as you read along.

#11: Sonic the Hedgehog

Surprise entry with a never-before-seen on a top 10 list ever with "Sonic the Hedgehog"coming in at #11. It is no secret that most films based on video-games do not do very well, cinematically OR at the box office. Definitely NOT off to a great start with this ugly - Shadow- of the titular character, this movie may do poorly simply for the visual realization of Sonic. If you are a furry, you may love every piece of this film, but I am still on the fence about this one. I want it to be good, but I also won't hold my breath. I will, however, roll up into a little spin ball and dash off to the movies when this film hits. I have to see it - good or bad. I predict that this film and "Detective Pikachu" will win my "Why the Fudge" award for 2019.

#10: Cats

In 2018 I didn't really have the cinematic version of a great Broadway musical, and though I have never actually seen the stage version of Cats I couldn't be more excited for this on screen adaptation. Idris Elba, James Cordon, Rebel Wilson, Judi Lynch, Taylor Hudson, Jennifer Hudson, Ian McKellen, and so many more! With a cast like this, how can this movie fail. It can't, that's how. Based on the objective fact that I am going to make up in my head right now just because I believe that I heard it somewhere on the internet, Cats is the longest running highly rated musical in Broadway history (you believe me, right?) and I can't wait for new dances to witness, new songs for the shower, ahem *clears throat* I mean gym, and some stellar performances.

#9: Star Wars: Episode IX

Alright, let's address the Wookiee in the room. Star Wars: Episode IX will LOOK amazing. Even if I hate the movie, I am hoping to have a good time with light saber duels, space exploration, alien creature conversations and customs (not blue milk). I am not the largest fan of "The Last Jedi," but I had a good time while watching the film, so there is something to be said about that. I both hate and enjoy that film. When I first saw the light-speed ship attack in slow-motion, with the sound dropping out as our heroes look on and flee to safety, I was mesmerized. However, deeper analysis of the film really made me aware of the flaws, so now when I watch it I have a very difficult time not thinking about them at each moment they crop up, and it just makes me angry. I am hoping that since the next installment will see a return of the director for the first of these 3 entries that it will be at least a solid ending to the third trilogy in the Star Wars Tri-Trilogy. 

Then, I want Star Wars to take a few years off. I know they won't (because the monies), but it would be nice to actually start to miss Star Wars again, and then BOOM - get excited, new Star Wars movie coming 2024. I am getting a bit fatigued, and with 2 or 3 recent bust films for me, I may decide to skip anything that comes after this film until 2024 anyway (you KNOW I can't actually do that).

#8: Captain Marvel

I am not the hugest fan of this character from the comic books, however I am excited to see how this film plays out in relation to other films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, particularly "Avengers: Endgame." The character looks dope to me, though I hope that the actress is not as cardboard in the film as she is in the trailers. So far, the trailer has intrigued me in the story of this film on its own merits and not solely based on what we stand to learn for the MCU. I want to learn more about Danvers, about how Sammy Jackson loses his eye, the cute little cat that hopefully takes said eye, and all of the powers and abilities that Captain Marvel has. And, the Interest based on those aforementioned tie ins remain. How will she save the day? Why did Nick Fury page her at the end of Avengers: Infinity War? Is that cat an alien a part of the Secret Invasion or just a loveable cuddly creature who wandered over from the set of "Cats?" I need answers. 

#7: The Addams Family

Not really a shocker for me if you know my fascination with the macabre, the occult, and the love of all things dark (brace yourself for the next few entries that all subscribe to this interest). I grew up as a huge fan of the Addams Family. My mom would watch old black and white reruns of shows like this and the Munsters. I saw the television iteration of these characters in color, and annually watch the films around Halloween every year. I am excited to see what an animated version of the characters can be. Though, there is always a charm of the painful and torturous inventions the former versions of this put live characters through, and I am unsure if this movie will have the same charm. I imagine this is somewhat like the difference between the Beetlejuice film and the cartoon - different, but both enjoyable. I am hoping for DARK with this. Like Batman's gruffiest voice, mixed with the color black, a splash of whiskey, and a black hole DARK. 

#6: Pet Sematary

I love the original Pet Sematary and am just excited for this one, even a touch more so. If this film is at least as good as the original, it will be worth it for me. H*ck, this evil brought-back-from-the-grave kitten is giving me all the life this film will need to win the above image alone. He kind of reminds me of my cat when I pet him, and he is enjoying it while also wanting me to not be petting him. Because he loves it so much, he doesn't murder me, but he doesn't stop desiring to do so. As I write this he sits next to me looking at me with an evil inside of his soul as if he knows I am talking about him on the internet. His eyes read "I know what you are doing. You need to stop, or you will be sorry."

But I digress. Pet Sematary, I suspect, will be a fun film to see and compare to the original. Sometimes, dead is better, but I am very much excited for this one to be alive.

#5: It: Chapter Two

The literal King for me shutting up and giving away all of my money returns immediately after another Stephen King adapted work. "It" is the next installment of the "It" films. I believe that Part One of this series (the first It film before this one, NOT the original mini series) is in every single way stronger than its predecessor, the mini series. I like this version of Pennywise more. I like the acting more. I like the version of the story told here more. I like the art and screen direction more. Basically, if this second part continues what the first part did, we have a recipe for success.

#4: Spider-Man: Far From Home

Y'all know I love Spider-Man. I don't have to pretend that I know a single thing about this film outside of who is in it for you to know that I am still stoked to see it. If this were a game of Whose Line is it Anyway, where the points don't matter, Spider-Man: Far From Home is my favorite movie of 2019, and I claim a billion points for that prediction, thus winning the game (and you lost it). I so much look forward to see Tom Holland reprise his role, and of course the largest question that I have about this film is "HOWWWWWW?" We ALL saw him die at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. So, we can surmise, and by now downright assume based on various factors, that the next Avengers film will have to bring back some of the characters somehow. However, this does not change the question: HOWWWWWWW?"

But yes. Before there was Killmonger, my favorite MCU villain (I guess not counting Loki) was Vulture from the first Spider-Man. I LOVE Spider-Man villains and cannot wait to see what they do with them in this one. As long as they don't take a Spider-Man 3 approach and throw everything at the wall, I will likely love it. I know the movie is done, I just want to watch it as soon as I can.

#3: Glass

This movie basically comes out tomorrow. I am a huge fan of Unbreakable, and have been ever since the world seemed to have slept passed this one back when I was in middle school. I thought this concept was so great at the time, but a lot of my friends weren't talking about Unbreakable. Cut to post-college marriage life and Split comes out, an unbeknownst-to-me sequel to Unbreakable. I saw the movie and thought that it was okay, not great, but hearing the music shift in during that last scene where Bruce Willie turns around gave me literal heart palpitations, and I left the movie with nothing but the highest of praise. Unbreakable is fantastic, Split is pretty good, and I hope that Glass will tie it all together and shatter my glass. 

#2: The Lion King

I don't need to spend a lot of time on this one, as by now I am sure you just want to get to my number one. Why don't I just get to the facts. What I have seen of this movie via sneak peeks, posters, and trailers has all been extraordinary. I don't care that CGI is not really live action. It is close enough, dang-it. I love the original Lion King animated film - huge part of my childhood - and I can't wait for this story to continue to shape my soul. The original cartoon makes me cry every time Simba says, "We gotta go home," and I have already practiced cried so much so that I can fill my cat's water bowl. Don't worry - I have infinite tears. Finally, the cast list for this film is better than any other film that is coming out in 2019. It is star-studded to the max, and Oh I just can't wait to (for this movie) to be Seeeeeeeeen (This last line obviously needs to be sung for the joke to work. I know you want to get to number one, but take a moment. Stop. Return to that last line, and sing it. I'll know if you don't).

Bonus: Aladdin, since I am talking about the Lion King

We can safely assume that Disney's "The Lion King" will be FAR SUPERIOR to the "Aladdin" live action film. Let the record show; however, I like Aladdin more than I like The Lion King. This has not always been the case, but I connect more with the Aladdin film in my adult life than I do with "The Lion King" story. On paper, that shouldn't be true because "The Lion King" definitely hits closer to home with the protagonist and cultural landscape that paints the film, but there is something about Aladdin being a poor boy that I connect with, and the music, somehow, moves me a little more. 
Don't worry, I know I am wrong. And maybe 2019 will be the year where I revert my opinion about the originals (Broadway plays included in my love of Aladdin more). I can't see a 2019 where I like "Aladdin" more than I like "The Lion King," based on what we have seen from both films alone.

#1: Avengers: Endgame

You know what this blog is. You knew what this list was. Of course this would be my top pick, my blog is about heroic characters for crying out loud. What better heroic characters are there than literal supers (I know that is not an accurate sentence as there are a ton of characters who don't have super powers that are indeed superior characters to a lot of those found in Avengers, but it is my prerogative to use hyperbole as I d*mn well please).

One thing that we did not get from "Avengers: Infinity War" is one, final epic fight with all of the Avengers on screen together, in one place. I want this in this one. I at least MUST see a scene where the original team (+ Rocket) gathers together in epic fashion to fight against the villain, whether that be Thanos or not. Rocket, Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, Black Widow, and the Hulk all need to be included in this final showdown together. If we can get Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Black Panther, War Machine, Falcon, the remaining Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Captain Marvel, Nick Fury, and any other hero that I have missed (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Netflix characters, Natalie Portman's character whose name currently escapes me and Pepper Pots, et cetera). Give me an epic final showdown.

I also would like to build on that last point. As we move into 2019 and the roster begins to fill out quite extensively, I need some big names to die. I don't care how they do it, but Iron Man and Captain America are two characters who I think could die, and with some form of finality, so that we can move forward in the MCU with other characters. Alternatively, some other characters can use a more metaphorical death. Captain America goes back in time on a one-way trip to be with the woman who he loves. Bruce Banner and Shuri can work to remove the Hulk from Banner, not killing Hulk, but separating the two (I don't know, I am trying to be creative here) and Hulk goes off to explore the galaxy while Bruce retires his hero days. I want Thor to stick around because I feel like his character has just found his groove, but Iron Man should definitely die (we need at least one, and what better way than with the one who started it all?)

Thanks for reading. This has been my list of Top 10 films I am most excited to see this year. Let me know what films YOU are most excited for this year in the comments below. 

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